Thursday, February 11, 2010

Week #6 Days 2 & 3

This week I did my 5 mile run on Tuesday night and I ran it straight, felt soo good! I did 5 miles in 40 minutes! Yippee! I ran after class, I came home, changed clothes, then ran ran ran! 8 min/mil, pretty good accomplishment for me, because I've been averaging 10 or 11 min/mile. It was a good run even though it was kinda chilly outside! My legs are feeling stronger, they're more fatigued after runs, but I take that as a good sign that they're getting stronger and the muscles in my legs are definitely getting bigger and much harder, it's such a good feeling! My stomach is becoming more defined and shrinking, I feel happy, I feel confident, I am loving life.

I ran my 4 miles last night, did a 40 minute time, so 10 min/mile again, but that's alright! I finished and I didn't stop the whole time! My run tomorrow is 11 miles and I am nervous. I've gotta be honest, I get really nervous about these long runs, but I think this time I'm going to take my 4 mile track twice and one lap around my 3 mile track instead of running all around town again, because there is water accessible on the track I'm on and I'll carry lifesavers with me for energy booster. It'll help get me through the 11 miles I believe

Weekly Subtotal: 13 miles.

p.s. I've been working on finding symbolic things to inspire me on my marathon run. I found a Nike Campaign that uses Soccer to fight AIDs. I love Public Health and I am a huge advocate of health now that I have been taking these classes and realized how much awareness plays on the actual health of our global community. When I started Public Health I wanted to do global care and fight the HIV/AIDs epidemic. I found this Nike (RED) campaign that is raising money for RTV drugs to help those who have AIDs and can't afford the medicines to recieve their medicine. I am going to buy their NIKE (RED) shoelaces and wear them on my marathon run and if anything, help spread awareness that way. The laces are about $5.00 and every bit of profit from those laces goes to the medication for those who can't afford it and the education and AIDs awareness. I am excited, I'm completely broke right now, but when I get paid on Friday, I will be buying those laces and putting them on my shoes as soon as they arrive! Since my running I have also grown a passion for fighting obesity & exercise+mental health

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