Thursday, February 18, 2010

Week 7

I did my 11 mile run Last Saturday! WOohoo! Maybe walked a mile total, I was so proud of myself! Afterwards my Achilles tendon hurt really bad and continued hurting, Monday I did my 4 miles despite the pain...and by the end could barely walk. It was horrible. Aunt AJ said to let it rest, ice it, Ibuprofen it up and elevate it. Dang, i was wanting magic, speedy, immediate fix. I rested it Tuesday, Wednesday, then today I ran on it intending to do the 6 miler, but a mix between the tendon hurting and wardrobe malfunction I had to come in after 4 miles. Note to self: Today was too cold for a white t-shirt and don't run in shorts until I don't have inner thighs, my butt ate my shorts. Yikes. I'm praying to heal up and hopefully be able to run my 4 miles tomorrow.


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